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Nicole Crites

Atlanta-based divorce and family law attorney Nicole Crites has been passionate about the law and advocacy since her youth.

Now, as the founder and managing partner of The Crites Law Firm, her years of experience and dedication to her courtroom presence have helped countless families rebuild their lives through resolution-focused action surrounding estate planning, Guardian Ad Litem, and other family law disputes throughout Georgia and Florida.

In this interview, she shares her passion for supporting clients with future-focused solutions that benefit families, especially children. 

  1. Full Name: Nicole Crites
  2. Title: Managing Partner
  3. What is the name of your business or firm? The Crites Firm
  4. Which state(s)/county(ies) do you service? Florida and Georgia.
    Florida counties – any fully remote county or central Florida (where I can obtain local counsel if need be).
    Georgia counties – Forsyth, Cobb, Fulton, Dekalb, Gwinnett, Spaulding, Paulding, Fayette, Henry,
  5. Which professional field do you work in? Family Law Attorney and Guardian ad Litem.
  6. How many years of experience do you have within your field? 6 years.
  7. What certifications do you hold? GAL.
  8. What related services (if applicable) do you offer? Estate Planning.
  9. What drew you to join the Amicable Divorce Network? I love the idea of networking a
    group of professionals whose focus is resolution and not conflict. Too often in this field,
    the people going through a divorce make decisions with their emotions and practitioners
    can easily take advantage of the heightened tensions to over charge or spin tires
    chasing information that does not exist. Having a network of professionals that have
    been vetted for ethical billing practices and for having a reputation for being resolution
    oriented is a wonderful idea and solution to a problem practitioners, like myself, face
    when giving referrals.
  10. How does your firm/practice/business impact the lives of families and individuals? We
    are there for families as they navigate the most difficult transition of their lives and do so
    while keeping our firm’s mission alive and well: we will not help you mess up your
    children. We educate clients and offer support, through referrals to mental health
    professionals or coaches or simply giving practical advice early on in a case to try to
    avoid financial ruin for both parties, which of course negatively impacts their children.
  11. What makes you stand out as a professional, or what do you do that sets you apart?
    I stand out for my courtroom presence, honest nature, and ability to connect with clients. I am excellent at building and maintaining trust with clients and helping them make hard decisions they may not want to make, but that are best for them in the long run.
  12. What has been the biggest benefit of your membership with ADN? I love the badge of
    honor that comes with knowing that my community respects my billing practices and
    litigation strategy enough to let me be a member.
  13. Do you have a favorite/saying/words to live by? “Don’t roll around in the mud with pigs;
    You both get dirty but the pig likes it.”

Nicole, it has been SUCH a delight learning more about you! Thank you so much for taking the time to share more about yourself and your work!