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Janet Price and Judith Weigle - Successful Steps to Peaceful Co-Parenting

Amicable Divorce Network members Janet Price, founder of JP Coaching & Consulting, and Judith Weigle, host of THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast delve into the intricacies of successful co-parenting after divorce. Janet, a certified co-parenting coach with extensive experience, shared insights from her court-approved Atlas Program, which is designed to guide parents through the challenges of co-parenting in a peaceful and effective manner. Judith, a seasoned mediator and family law expert, engaged with Janet on the importance of transforming conflict into cooperation for the benefit of children. 

“Life is too short to live without peace and harmony. Constant conflict with your co-parent not only disrupts your own well-being, but it also creates a stressful environment for your children. In the heat of anger or the pursuit of justice, it’s easy to lose sight of this important truth.”

-Janet Price, Co-Parenting Coach with JP Coaching & Consulting

The Atlas Program, which Janet developed based on her personal experiences and professional expertise, is particularly noteworthy for its unique structure. Unlike traditional co-parenting courses, the Atlas Program is designed for one parent at a time, allowing each parent to fully absorb the material in a safe, non-confrontational environment, free from the distractions of ongoing conflict. Another unique aspect of the program is that it occurs over six consecutive evenings, allowing parents to complete it quickly while maintaining focus and continuity. Additionally, the program is conducted via Zoom, where participants join a group of other parents, creating a supportive community atmosphere. The program is approved in 14 counties across California and provides participants with a certificate of completion that can be presented in court, demonstrating their commitment to co-parenting.

Janet emphasized that the key to successful co-parenting is not just about following a plan, but about fundamentally shifting how parents engage with each other and their children. The Atlas Program helps parents redefine their roles, disengage from conflict, and focus on the well-being of their children. Janet’s approach is designed to mitigate issues like parental alienation and divorce-related trauma, ensuring that children are free to love both parents and that the co-parenting relationship remains focused on the child’s needs.

“Divorce can impact children, but it’s not the separation itself that causes lasting trauma—it’s the conflicts between parents. Children are highly affected by their parents’ emotions and behaviors, such as yelling or subtle body language. Even if we think we’re hiding our feelings, children sense them. They rely on reading their parents to understand their needs and are especially sensitive to tension.”

-Janet Price, Co-Parenting Coach with JP Coaching & Consulting

In this successful co-parenting after divorce podcast, they discussed:

  • Separate Participation: The Atlas Program is designed for one parent at a time, allowing each parent to focus on their growth and the material without the presence of their ex-spouse.
  • Child-Centered Approach: Janet helps parents shift their focus from conflict to the well-being of their children, asking critical questions like, “How do you think your child feels when they see you upset?”
  • Parental Alienation: The program addresses and mitigates parental alienation from the beginning, helping parents disengage from past conflicts and avoid replaying negative dynamics.
  • Role Redefinition: Janet emphasizes the importance of parents redefining their roles post-divorce, moving away from the dynamics that led to the separation.
  • Court-Approved Program: The Atlas Program is recognized in 14 California counties, providing participants with a certificate of completion that can be submitted to the court.

Janet and Judith’s discussion emphasized the significance of The Amicable Divorce Network (ADN), a collective of family law professionals committed to peaceful divorce resolutions. Both connected through ADN’s California chapter, highlighting the network’s role in fostering relationships among like-minded professionals. Founded by Tracy Ann Moore-Grant, ADN offers a supportive community for families seeking non-adversarial divorce options.

For those navigating divorce, ADN also provides access to Divorce Amicably, an online platform connecting people navigating divorce with vetted professionals focused on maintaining privacy, sanity, and financial stability during the divorce process.

To learn more about the Atlas Program and hear the full discussion, listen to THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast on Successful Steps to Peaceful Co-Parenting here.